Muscles in Mind
Relax your muscles, Rest your mind


Welcome to Muscles in Mind Massage Therapy!

Consider the following questions:

How long has it been since you got a massage?


How long has it been since you received a massage?

"Getting a massage" sounds like something on your grocery list of things to pick up while you're out running errands.  "Receiving a massage" sounds like purposeful, intentional "I am going to an appointment today that will benefit me! It will help me take good care of myself so that I can be more effective in the other areas of my life".  See the difference?  One is active participation, the other is more passive.  So no matter how long it has been since your last appointment, come to this next one ready to receive the benefits you will read about.  Hope to see you soon! 

Thank You!


Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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